I have saved a bookmark of an online ovulation calculator to help me keep track of my cycle. You can check out this ovulation calculator if you want to try it.
Based on my last two cycles, the ovulation calculator tells me that my next cycle would start today. August 12. Last month, it came a day early, but now, I do not have my period yet. Although I am not expecting any good results for this month because I had my HSSG on Day 2 and I was also on Flagystatin for a week during my fertile period, so contact was not that very well planned.
So now, all i have to do is wait and see. My breasts have been tender, but I felt them before when i was on Clomiphene citrate, so there’s really no big deal about that. I also had cramps starting, so these may just all be PMS.
But i will be waiting. If the ovulation calculator is just delayed for just a few days, i’ll just wait and see.
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