Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Big Fat Positive for the New Year?


I got a faint positive line last night when i did the home pregnancy test, but the anxiety dragged on to the night. I woke up at 2 a.m. to go to the bathroom but i thought it was too early for another test.


I woke up again at 5 a.m. and this time, i decided to get the home pregnancy test kit and try once more.


Drop… drop….drop.


1 second…. 2… 3… 1 minute…..


and the red lines start to appear in the test kit. This time, the positive line is clearer than last night. BIG FAT POSITIVE!






The first thing i did was to grab my mobile phone and took snapshots of the test kits.


I thought Hubby was sleeping but he called out from the bedroom. He said he’s been awake by the time i got out of bed and he was actually nervous and tensed waiting for my reaction. But when he could not hear a thing when i got out of the bathroom, he called out.


We were not able to go back to sleep afterwards. He was thinking about buying a stroller and naming the child after him. lol.


It is my Mother’s birthday, and I thought breaking the news to her on her birthday would be a great surprise.


The news made them ecstatic!


Thank you very, very much dear Lord for such a wonderful Christmas gift! Love you Lord!





  1. i cried... awwww im so happy for the both of you... we are trying to have a child, too. i just googled about oligo- well, low sperm count (just 4% normal), thats why i am here; we didnt expect it too. so when i read your blog, i felt relief knowing that there are people too, trying like us. thanks.. i love this site.

  2. thanks moahmina. we hope to be an inspiration to those who are also battling infertility these days. It seemed a lot of couples are going through the same thing these days. But don't you worry. you will soon have the big fat positive as well. Baby dust to you!


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