So, today is my second OB visit. We did not wait that long before being served, so it was generally a shorter wait than the first time we went there.
I for one, was eager to know what my pap smear and blood test results say and I was able to look into it before i was called for the consultation. The pap smear results went out fine except for a moderate non-specific inflammation that was detected on the cervix. Aside from that, everything is normal. My blood test results were also fine except that my prolactin levels are thrice as high as the normal range. i wondered if this because of stress or some other causes.
so when i talked to my OB about everything on the results, she told me she just have to give me some antibiotics and suppositories for the inflammation. The rest of the results were fine but she was wondering why the ultrasound results showed a thick endometrium of 1.42 cm and told me the follicles were not able to burst. Aside from that, she said everything's quite fine.
Next phase of treatment: fertility pills and the HSSG.
The latter, my OB said, is a procedure where a fine tube is inserted into the uterus and into the fallopian tubes and the fallopian tubes are tested with liquid to check if there are any blockage. That, i have to undergo after i have finished the fertility pills in 5 days.
My, oh my. another test. another laboratory. i was thinking until when will i go for several tests and laboratories. indeed, fertility tests are more stressful for a woman. blood tests, transvaginal procedures, and everything else. not to mention that stressful time of waiting for your results.
when my OB saw the semen analysis results, she referred us to a urologist for some advice as well.
so that's it.
for now, i have to take my folic acid, my antibiotic, my fertility pill and then go for the HSSG on Monday and then do the suppositories after.
and yeah, when we went to the urologist last time, he was not around so we have to have our appointment rescheduled. chasing your doctors is probably one of the stressful things that you can also experience when you have these things. hopefully it will not cause more stress to couples who need their services.

‘till then.

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